8 Biggest Days for Florists

Flowers have always been an important part of every life event. They show love, joy, or sadness and are used to show feelings that can’t be put into words. All year long, florists work hard to meet the needs of their customers, which makes their important days even more special. But some days are more important than others for florists.

Valentine’s Day

For florists, Valentine’s Day is the most important day of the year. It is a day to celebrate love and romance, and flowers are the perfect gift to show how people feel. Industry statistics show that in 2022, about 22% of Americans bought flowers for Valentine’s Day and that earned the US economy about $2.3 billion. Roses, lilies, and other romantic flowers are very popular with customers, so florists can expect a huge rise in sales every February 14th. Florists should stock up on red roses, hire extra hands, and offer special deals to get more customers for the annual celebration of Heart’s Day.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the second day that florists make the most money. It is a day to honor and thank mothers all over the world. People in the United States planned to spend nearly $3 billion on flowers for Mother’s Day in 2022. Carnations, tulips, and daisies are usually in high demand at flower shops on this special May date for all mothers. To get ready for Mother’s Day, florists should order ahead popular flowers, prepare beautiful arrangements, and consider extending their store hours.



Christmas is a happy and joyous time and it’s also important for florists. During the holidays, people use beautiful flowers and wreaths to decorate their homes. The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture says that more than 35.4 million poinsettias were sold in 2020. They were worth $157,241,000, which is 3% more than in 2019. The demand for poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe continues to go up, which is good news for florists. To get ready for Christmas, florists should make festive arrangements out of red and white flowers with touches of foliage and offer customers special deals to bring in more sales.


Easter is a Christian holiday that honors the fact that Jesus Christ came back to life. This day is also important for florists because people put flowers in their homes and churches to make them look nice. In 2021, flower spending for Easter was projected to cost Americans $1.43 billion. Lilies, daffodils, and tulips are the popular flowers for this joyous celebration. Florists should stock up on these blooms ahead of time, make beautiful arrangements along with some stuffed rabbit toys and colorful eggs, and promote the Easter special on social media.


One of the most important days in a person’s life is their wedding day. By making beautiful flower arrangements, florists play a big part in making weddings memorable. In the US, around 6,000 weddings take place in a day and the average cost spent for wedding flowers in 2022 was $2,400. Florists should work closely with wedding planners to make the perfect flower arrangements that match what the bride and groom want. Florists source popular wedding flowers like roses, lilies, and peonies ahead of time and offer custom arrangements and packages to get more customers.


At funerals, people honor and remember the person who has died and flowers are a way to show the family condolences and sympathy. Flowers like lilies, roses, and chrysanthemums are often given as a sign of sympathy. To get ready for sympathy flowers, florists should make arrangements that are tasteful and elegant and offer packages that are tailored to the needs of the family.

Senior Prom

High school students will always remember their prom night. From corsages to boutonnieres, prom traditions have a lot to do with flowers. Roses, orchids, and lilies, which are popular prom flowers, will be in high demand at flower shops and designers. To get ready for prom night, florists should have a wide range of corsages and boutonnieres, make unique designs, and offer deals and discounts to attract buyers.


Thanksgiving is a time to show gratitude and have fun with family and friends. Flowers like sunflowers, chrysanthemums, and dahlias are a great way to decorate the table and make the room feel warm and inviting. To get ready for Thanksgiving, florists should order extra supplies and flowers, especially in the hues of orange, red, brown, and yellow.


Florists work hard all year long to make sure their customers get fresh, beautiful flowers. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, weddings, funerals, prom nights, Thanksgiving, and Easter are eight of the most important days for florists. Florists can get ready for these days by stocking up on popular flowers, making beautiful arrangements, and offering deals and discounts to bring in more customers. To make the most of their business, florists should make custom packages, offer unique designs, and give great customer service.

To learn more on how to start your own flower shop business check out my startup documents here.

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